One of the main TCS NQT Sections is Logical Reasoning ability, It consist of 26 questions which you have to solve in 40 minutes. If you are preparing for TCS Reasoning Ability Section. This is the official NQT questions of previous year October TCSNQT 2020.
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Question 1 : The two figures on the left of the sign ‘::’ are related in a certain way. The same
relationship holds good for the second pair of figures on the right of the sign ‘::’ of which one
figure is missing. Find the missing figure from the alternatives?

Option A

Option B

Option C

Option D

Answer: Option C
Question 2: There are five persons in a family O,P,Q,R and S. They are working as a farmer, a teacher, a lawyer, an engineer and a doctor. P is an unmarried daughter of O and working as a teacher. S is the brother of Q, working as a lawyer. Q is the husband of the only married couple in the family. O is the father of an unmarried daughter and two sons working as a farmer. O’s daughter-in-law is a doctor.
Which of the following are male members in the family?
A.R,O and S
B.P,Q and S
C.O,Q and S
D. O,P and Q
Answer: Option C
Question 3: The Two figures on the left of the sign ”::” are related in a certain way. The same relationship holds goods for the second pair of figures on the right of the sign ”::”of which,one figure is missing .Find the missing figure from the alternatives.


Solution : Option D
Option D is correct as from the starting two image we can see that the position of the diagram in the adjacent column is interchanged but keeping the shading to that part of the image.
Question 4: The figure marked “X” is folded to form a box. Four possible boxes A,B,C and D are given below some of which can be formed and some cannot be formed. Choose from the alternatives the boxes that can be formed .

A- B and D only
B- B and C only
C- All of A,B,C and D
D-A and B only
Solution : Option B (B and C only)
Question 5: These are seven figures, the first and last two of which are unnumbered. One of the numbered figures does not fit into the series. The number of that figure is the answer. Find it out .

A- 2
Solution : Option B
Question 6: The sequence of folding a piece of square paper and the manner in which the folded paper has been cut is shown in the figures marked X,Y and Z. How would the paper look when unfolded ?

Solution: Option D

Question 7: The following diagram shows the people who can speak various languages,the rectangle stand for “Spanish; the circle stands for “indian; the triangle stands for “Russian”, and the square stands for “American”.The numbers in different segments show the number of persons.
Answer the question on the basis of the information given in the diagram.

How many people can speak American and Russian languages ?
A- 15
B- 8
C- 13
D- 9
Solution : Option B
There are 8 people who can speak American and Russian
Question 8: The diagram given below shows the number of students who got distinction in three subjects out of 320 students. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions

What is the percentage of students who got distinction only in two subject ?
A- 48
B- 10
C- 25
Solution : Option D
(20+12+16/320) X 100=15 %
Question 9: A Cube is made by folding the giving sheet, In the cube so formed ,which letter/ symbol will be on the opposite face to the face having symbol ‘%’?

A- (+)
Solution Option C (a)
Question 10:- The following diagram shows the people who can speak various languages,the rectangle stand for “Spanish; the circle stands for “indian; the triangle stands for “Russian”, and the square stands for “American”.The numbers in different segment show the number of persons.
Answer the question on the basis of the information given in the diagram.

How many people can only speak both language Spanish and Russian ?
A- 17
B- 10
C- 18
D- 13
Solution : Option D (13)
Question 11: The Sequence of folding a piece of square paper and the manner in which the folded paper has been cut is shown in the figures marked X,Y,and Z. How would the paper look when unfolded ?





Solution: Option B
Question 12: Consider the venn diagram given below:

The number in the venn diagram indicates the number of the person /people watching the TV programmes. The diagram is drawn after surveying 150 persons in a population of 12000. How many person/people can be expected to watch at least two TV Programs?
B- 2880
Solution :Option C
24 + 4 + 16 + 10 = 54
Fraction of people who have taken part in survey = 12000/150 = 80
Fraction of people expected to watch at least 2 TV programs = 54 * 80 = 4320
Question 13: The following are the criteria for selecting a candidate for the post Assistant Manager.
The candidate must.
(i) Be a graduate in engineering in specification of Human Resource Management with minimum 55% marks.
(ii) Have three years full time experience.
(iii) Have secured more than 60 % in the interview and at least 70% in the written test.
However, if the candidate fulfills the above criteria except.
In case of the applicant who satisfies all other criteria except-
- at(i) above , but has more than five year experience in relevant field. his/her case is to be referred to the management.
- at(ii) above, but has secured more than 65% in the written test as well as in the interview. his/her case to be referred to the HR Operatement.
- at(iii) above, but has graduated in engineering with specialization Human Resource Management with a minimum 65% marks in his/her case to be referred to the General Manager.
Amit has completed his B.E with 60% marks without HRM specialization but he has been working as an assistant manager in a required company for the last six year. He has now secured 65% in the interview and 66% in the written test.
A- Refer to HR department
B- He would be selected.
C- Refer to the General Manager.
D- Refer to Management.
Solution :Option C
Refer to the General Manager.
Question 14: A statement is followed by two assumptions numbered l and ll. Consider the statement and decide which of the gives assumption is/are implicit in the statement
If you have any queries ,ask there to me
l. You have no questions.
ll. I can answer any questions
A. Neither l nor ll is implicit.
B.Only ll is implicit.
C.Both l and ll are implicit.
D.Only L is implicit.
Solution :Option C Both I and II are implicit
Question 15: Given below is a question followed by two statements,l and ll.each containing some information Decide which of the statements(s) is/are sufficeint to answer the question.
What is the age of Sumit ? Statements.
l. Sumit is five year younger than amit , who is double the age of Prateek.
ll. Prateek is 10 years elder than Ravi whose age is 22 years.
A- The Combination of both the statement l and ll are necessary.
B- The Combination of both the statement l and ll are not necessary.
C- Statement ll alone is sufficient.
D- Statement l alone is sufficient.
Solution :Option A(The Combination of both the statement l and ll are necessary.)
Question 16: A Statement is followed by three courses of action numbered l,ll and lll . Assuming everything in the statement to be true, decide which of the suggested courses of action (a decision to be taken for follow up / improvement in regard to the problem) logically follows for pursuing .
There is a considerable increase in the number persons infected by corona virus during the last few months through person to person contact and direct contact with respiratory droplets, exhausted by the infected person.
Courses of action
l. Wear amast when social distancing is not possible.
ll. The government should give adequate information through mass media regarding corona virus
lll. Health Centres and facilities should be increase and fully equipped properly for the treatment patients
A.Only l is implicit.
B.All are implicit.
C.Both l and ll are implicit.
D.Only ll is implicit.
Solution :Option C
Both I and I
Question 17: A statement is followed by two assumptions number l and ll . Consider the statement and decide which of the given assumptions(S) is/are Implicit in the statement .
If he is a hard worker ,he will succeed in Life.
l To succeed,he must be a hard worker
ll He will succeed in life.
A- None of l and ll are implicit.
B- Only l is implicit.
C- Only ll is implicit.
D- Both l and ll are implicit.
Solution : Option B Only I is implicit
Question 18: There are five people in the family O,P,Q,R,and S They are working as a farmer ,a teacher,a lawyer,an engineer and a doctor. P is an unmarried daughter of O working as a teacher.S is the brother of Q ,working as a lawyer Q is the husband of the only married couple in the family. O is the father of an unmarried daughter and two sons. Working as farmer O’s daughter in law is a doctor.
Who is an engineer in the family ?
A- O
B- P
C- R
D- Q
Solution : Option D
O – farmer
P- teacher
Q- Engineer
R- doctor
S- lawyer
O is the father of P who is teacher (unmarried daughter ) and Q(married) and S (lawyer) (Brother) . So Q is married so R is the wife of Q who is a doctor. The only one who is left is Q so Q is an engineer.
Question 19: Given Below is a question followed by two statements, l and ll ,each containing some information.Decide which of the statement is /are sufficient to answer the question.
The ratio of fees of two different schools is 2: 2.5 What would be the fees of the school if discount of 25% and 35% are given on the both the schools respectively ?
l. Discount on the second school fees in Rs. 8750 ?
ll. difference between the discount on the two school fees is Rs. 3750 ?
A. Statement ll alone is sufficient
B. Statement l alone is sufficient
C. Both Statement l and ll together are not sufficient.
D. Both Statement l and ll together are sufficient
Solution :Option C
Here both the statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question.
Question 20: There are five person in a family A, B,C,D and E. In which, one is working as a doctor; one is an engineer. Both A and C are unmarried ladies, who are not working. None of the ladies is working as a doctor and a lawyer in the family.E is the husband of the only one married couple in the family. B is the brother of C and neither a lawyer and nor an engineer.
Who is the lawyer ?
A– E
B- D
C- A
D- B
Solution : option A
A, B are unmarried ladies who are not working. E is the husband of only one married D is the lady and none of the ladies are working as doctor and lawyer. B is neither lawyer nor an engineer so.. B is a doctor and the person that is left is E so E is a lawyer.
Question 21: In a certain code, a+b means a is the wife of b; a*b means a is the brother of b and a/b means a is the son of b.
If T/z * U+W, then which of the following is true ?
A- U is the aunt of T
B- W is the wife of Z
C- T is the daughter of Z
D- U is the uncle of T
Solution :Option A
T is the son of z , z is the brother of u and u is the wife of W
So U is the aunt of T
Question 22: Three Statements are followed by four conclusions numbered l,ll ,lll and lV. Assuming the statement to be true. Even if they do not confirm to real world knowledge, decide which of the conclusion(s),logically follows from the statements.
- All clothes are Shirts
- All shirts are pants.
- All cots are pants.
- No clothe is cot
- Some cots are shirts.
- Some pants are clothes.
- Some cots are clothes.
A- Only ll follow
B- Either ll or l follow
C- Only Either l or IV and lll follow.
D- Only lll follow.
Solution :Option C
Only Either I or IV and III follow
Question 23: Two Statements are given followed by three conclusion numbered l,ll and lll . Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusion logically follow (s) from the statements.
All animals are plants.
All plants are shrubs.
l.Some shrubs are plants.
ll. Some animal are not shrubs.
lll. All animal are shrubs.
A– Only Conclusion l and ll follow.
B– None of the Conclusion Follow.
C. Only Conclusion I and III follow
D. None of the above
Solution : Option C

Question 24: The following are the criteria for selecting a candidate for the post Assistant Manager.
The candidate must.
(i) Be a graduate in engineering in specification of Human Resource Management with minimum 55% marks.
(ii) Have three years full time experience.
(iii) Have secured more than 60 % in the interview and at least 70% in the written test.
However, if the candidate fulfills the above criteria except.
In case of the applicant who satisfies all other criteria except-
- at(i) above , but has more than five year experience in relevant field. his/her case is to be referred to the management.
- at(ii) above, but has secured more than 65% in the written test as well as in the interview. his/her case to be referred to the HR department.
- at(iii) above, but has graduated in engineering with specialization in Human Resource Management with a minimum 65% marks in his/her case to be referred to the General Manager.
Sidharth has recently completed his graduate in engineering with specialization of Human Resource Management with minimum 65 % marks. He has now secured 65% in the interview and 65% in the written test.
Based on these criteria and the information Provided , decide the course of action.
A- Refer to HR department
B- He would be selected.
C- Refer to the General Manager.
D- Refer to Management.
Solution : Option A (Refer to the HR Department)
Because he has already fulfilled the above criteria and scored 65% in the written test as well as in the interview so his case will be referred to the HR department.
Question 25: There are five person in a family A, B,C,D and E. In which, one is working as a doctor; one is an engineer. Both A and C are unmarried ladies, who are not working. None of the ladies is working as a doctor and a lawyer in the family.E is the husband of the only one married couple in the family. B is the brother of C and neither a lawyer and nor an engineer.
Who is the doctor in the family ?
- A
- E
- B
- D
Soution : Option C
A, B are unmarried ladies who are not working. E is the husband of only one married D is the lady and none of the ladies are working as doctor and lawyer.SO now E profession is not given but B is neither lawyer nor an engineer so.. B can be a doctor
Question 26: In each of the five pairs of the letter- clusters, the letter in the second term is a rearranged/ transformed form of the letter in the first term in a particular pattern. In which two pairs, has the transformation been done the same way ?
- A and C
- D and B
Solution : Option A
WMSHD divide it into two parts i.e., WM and SHD
Now, in second part move the last letter in front and so on, i.e, DSH
Now put second part before the first part i.e., DSHWM
Similarly in E = BWIKG – GIKBW
Here, divide it into two parts i.e., BW and IKG
Now, in second part move the last letter in front and soo on i.e., GIK
Further, shift the second part before first part ie., GIKBW
Question 27: Given below is a question by two statement, l and ll each containing some information . Decide which of the statement (s) is/are sufficient to answer the question.
Among Six people P,Q,R,S,T and U , how many are teachers ?
l. “ Q and T are teachers “ is True .
ll. “ At least one of P and R is a teacher” is false and S and U’s status is same like P and R.
- Statement ll alone is sufficient.
- Both the statement l and ll together are needed.
- Both the statement l and ll together are not sufficient.
- Statement l alone is sufficient.
Solution : Option 3 (Both the statement l and ll together are not sufficient.)
Question 28: Which is the wrong term in the following series ?
- Udw
- Ojq
- Jpm
- fsh
Solution :Option 3
AXC = 1 letter gap between 1st and 3rd letter
CVE = 1 letter gap between 1st and 3rd letter
FSH = 1 letter gap between 1st and 3rd letter
OYQ = 1 letter gap between 1st and 3rd letter
UDW = 1 letter gap between 1st and 3rd letter
JPM= no pattern like above words.
Hence JPM is the wrong term in the series.
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