Wipro conducts campus recruitment drives and hires engineering freshers every year. Here we are listing top technical interview questions for Freshers 2020 in Wipro interview process. Wipro conducts off campus drive through across India to hire Final Year as well freshers Engineering graduates.
Wipro Interview Questions For Freshers 2020
Once you crack the wipro aptitude test, you will be called for Technical round of wipro. Wipro test your basic technical knowledge which you learn in your college. Here we sorting main subjects, topics on which questions mostly asked. This is not accurate information it depends on the wipro Interview panel and your Interest what type of Questions will be asked.
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Wipro Interview Questions Main Topics For Campus Placement
- Data Structure And Algorithm
- Programming Language C/C++, Java, Python
- Web Development HTML,CSS, JavaScript
- Object Oriented Programming
- Operating System
- Database Management, SQL
- Digital Electronics For ECE/Electronics
- Project
- Some of Trending Basic Knowledge AI, ML, Data science, Cloud
Selection Process Of Wipro : Read Here
Some Examples of Wipro Interview Questions For freshers
- Write a program to know whether the input number is an armstrong number.
- Explain the concepts involved in Object Oriented programming.
- What is method overloading and overriding.
- How to perform insertion and deletion in linked list.
- Find sub-string in a given string using pointers
- Related to project, Microprocessor and microcontroller.
- Provide an algorithm to reverse a linked list without using recursion.
- Differentiate between C and C++.
- What are the different replacement policies ?
- Define Zombie process. How is it different from orphan process?
- What is a semaphore? What are the different types of semaphores?
- Define a good platform along with its qualities.
- What is a web server? What are the load limits in it?
- Devise a program to sort an array using bubble sort.
- What is polymorphism
- What is piggy backing?
- What are pointers in C? Give an example where to illustrate their significance.
- What is HTTP? Give some of its methods.
- Briefly describe a B+ tree. What is bulk loading in it?
- What are literals in C++?
- Describe different types of networks.
- Differentiate between calloc and malloc.
- What is difference between UNIX and Linux?
- What is the property of the class?
- What is a Null object?
- Is XML case-sensitive?
- Benefits of Stored Procedures?
- Can you give an example of a Stored Procedure?
- What is the Program counter?
- Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
- What is normalization? Describe its different types.
- How would you use user_contraints table in DB?
- What is meant by JVM? Is JVM platform independent or not?
- What is the usage of OLE?
- Describe the merge sort principle and what will be its time complexity?
- What happens when a thrown exception is not handled?
- Given an array of integers, devise a program to replace every element with the next greatest element on the right side in the array. Also, replace the last element with 5 as there no element on the right side of it.
- Define data warehousing.
- How will you sort the elements of array in descending order?
- Write a program to reverse a string.
- Differentiate between static and dynamic modeling.
- What do you mean by DOM?
- What is garbage collection in Java?
- Define red-black trees.
- What is the procedure to insert into a sorted array?
- What is the usage of transponders?
- What are the different memories you know about? Which of them takes the shortest access time?
- What is binary search tree.
- What is deadlock ?
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